While temperatures are still on the mild side in many areas, it’s already getting cold in some places. Besides, even if it is still warm in your region, it probably won’t be too long before the cold winds begin to blow. Now is a very good time to start winterizing your home, before old man winter arrives, and these tips will help:
1. It may seem to go without saying, but unfortunately, many people forget to install storm doors and windows before cold weather reaches their destination. Once frigid temperatures hit, it is much harder to get motivated enough to get the job done, so it makes sense to put up storm windows and doors before you really need them.
2. Check for air leaks. This can be done by holding a match or a candle near your door and window frames. If there is a noticeable draft, you may need to replace weather stripping or add some caulk. If there is a draft at the bottom or your front door, even though you have a stopper, you can find many types of draft blockers to place near the door or you can make one yourself.
3. Hire a professional or conduct your own maintenance on your furnace. Clean the unit and clean or replace filters. Also, have the system checked for carbon monoxide production.
4. Install a carbon monoxide detector. The few dollars you spend on this device may very well save your life or the lives of your family members.
5. Have your heating ducts inspected or check them out yourself. While air leaks and cracks near doors and windows can be a big problem, causing at least 10% of energy loss, the U.S. Department of Energy reports that leaks in duct work are not only more prominent but cause even greater loss, upwards of 25%.