We absorb a lot of marriage myths in our lives. By the time we are ready to get married, our heads are full of these myths that make it hard to maintain a happy marriage. Here are the top four marriage myths that you should avoid.
1. Marriage is like the media
Remember all of those family friendly shows were grew up with on television? What about the movies? The mom is smart and sassy, the dad is clueless but dependent and the kids’ biggest behavioral problem is that they broke a lamp and then confessed out of guilt. If a money problem came along, it could easily be solved by holding a yard sale. There were no major job losses, illnesses, caring for elderly parents, kids with challenges, political discussions or infidelity. And don’t forget about fairy tales. After happily ever after, the princess still has to do the laundry.
2. Marriage is a cure for loneliness
While having the companionship of a spouse is a wonderful benefit of marriage, it isn’t necessarily a cure for loneliness. Many married couples feel lonely. If there was something in your life missing before, you can’t expect it to vanish when you get married.
3. A spouse will complete you
The famous “you complete me” line from the movies (see myth number 1) has been used time and time again by couples as a declaration of love and devotion. But couple should complement each other, fulfill each other, journey through life together, and help each other grow. If you are looking for someone else to complete you, not only will you wind up disappointed, but you will be putting a lot of pressure on your spouse.
4. Love is all you need
Love is a wonderful motivator. When my husband and I were still early in the relationship, I told him he was dangerous. This is because I was in real danger of falling completely and madly in love with him. There are things I would do for this man that I would do for no other. I would put his needs above my own and even let him win arguments. But many couples believe that love is all that you need. Marriage takes work and effort, especially when there are the normal stresses of life to deal with every day. You can’t just sit back and expect love to rescue every situation on its own.
You can read more blog posts by Mary Ann Romans here!
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