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Top Girl Names – 2006

Every year, new baby names appear. While there will always be the standards such as Debbie, Cathy, and Susan for a girl, new names are added to the list. Some of these names are simply new spellings of an old name although other names are trendy and hard to spell and pronounce. Choosing a baby’s name for a girl can be tough. Obviously, you want something that sounds beautiful while being a little on the unique side. To give you some ideas for 2006, we wanted to list the 40 most popular names currently on the list.


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About Renee Dietz

I have been a successful, published writer for the past 26 years, offering a writing style that is informative, creative, and reader-friendly. During that time, I have been blessed with clients from around the world! Over the years, more than 160 ebooks and well over 18,000 articles have been added to my credit. Writing is my passion, something I take to heart.