As promised yesterday here are three more useful Gs for a great marriage.
This quality is one that can sometimes easily be overlooked. If you’re grateful for your spouse then let them know that. You might say something like, ‘You are such a blessing to me.’ Or ‘I’m so glad I’m married to you.’
When they do something for you express your gratitude. It only takes a few words – something along the lies of ‘Thanks for doing that for me. I really appreciated that.’ It might only take half a minute to say but it could brighten your spouse’s day and make them feel good about whatever it is they have done. They’ll also feel more likely to do it again because you noticed and responded. Who amongst us doesn’t like being thanked for doing a job?
Of course it doesn’t even have to be verbal communication. Sometimes it can be just as good to give them a smile and a hug.
This is one that is ignored. Some people tend to forget about the common courtesies in marriage and talk to their spouse the way they certainly wouldn’t dream of talking to anyone else. Being gracious to your spouse can mean not forgetting the common courtesies like saying please and thank you. It might also for you guys mean being a gentleman and opening doors for your wife and just generally being gracious in the way you treat her.
My dictionary defines being gracious as ‘showing kindness or courtesy.’ Other meanings include,’merciful, compassionate’ and ‘indulgent.’ Don’t wait for Valentine’s Day, what better time to indulge your spouse than now?
Mick came up with this one yesterday while we were out. Once I stopped laughing, I realized he was very clever.
These days the word Google has been adopted into common language. How many times do you hear someone say if you need to research something ‘Google it?’ Google has become synonymous with the ability to search out information.
So what Mick meant, was not to go on the internet and check up on your spouse but the ability to search out what your partner needs and then supply it. Clever isn’t he?
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