In honor of our next ward activity, which was recently changed to a potluck dinner, I am going to share the top ten items you’ll find at an LDS potluck dinner.
10) Banana pudding, which comes in several varieties, is a common staple of potlucks. You may end up with slimy kind that has been cooked or the instant Jell-O pudding recipe. This is much more common in the South than other areas of the world.
9) Crockpot Spaghetti—most potlucks have at least two crockpot spaghettis available to choose from. If you are lucky one will have melted mozzarella in with the noodles and sauce. Other versions include a meat sauce or a mushroom sauce.
8) A potluck wouldn’t be a potluck without the stand by of macaroni and cheese. Although I am not a big fan, I am always grateful when I see it, so I know that my kids will at least eat something. I think moms always bring it for that reason.
7) Potato salad is another common item. You often have several varieties to choose from. You can choose the fancy potato salad complete with egg slices and paprika on top or you can choose the plainer variety that often includes pickles. I have even seen it with cheese chunks.
6) The next item is pasta salads. Honestly I like to bring a good pasta salad with Italian or oil and vinegar dressing. I eat a lot of pasta salads at a potluck—well I am a picky eater and there really aren’t many surprises with pasta salad.
5) Another common dish is the mystery casserole. You know the one it is covered in breadcrumbs. You can tell that it has a creamy soup base, but you are not sure if you will end up with broccoli or chicken or both. Do you dare risk it?
4) You will always have the item that has been prepared from food storage. This item can vary from potluck to potluck. I have seen brownies made from zucchini and wheat flour (which makes for heavy brownies) to Boston baked wheat.
3) Of course you will find a myriad of desserts at any potluck. At the LDS potlucks you need to visit the dessert table before you eat, if you hope to have any dessert. The kids rush through dinner so that they can feel up on the sweets.
2) My favorite item is funeral potatoes. You know the casserole with hash brown potatoes, sour cream, cream of mushroom soup, cheese and topped with cornflakes. My mouth is watering right now. I love funeral potatoes.
1) And no LDS potluck would be complete without several different types of Jell-O. It can be simple Jell-O fruit salad or the more complicated seven, ten or fourteen layer Jell-O salads. Some Jell-O items may also end up on the dessert table.
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