I love lists. I am a huge fan of lists. As we count down the last few days of April and we get ready for the Sizzling Summer Slim Down to begin in may with the Abs Diet plan – I thought I would share a few lists with you.
Here are the top ten reasons why dieting is bad:
1. Lowering calories may help you lose weight, but it also makes it harder for you to get your daily-recommended vitamins and proteins.
2. Dieting can cause your body to go into diet shock.
3. Some crash diets cause you digest your own body tissue instead of food and there is no way for the diet to tell your body to digest fat instead muscle.
4. If you are digesting muscle, you can lose muscle. The really unlucky lose muscle mass around their heart.
5. When you are on a diet, you can get really cranky and your family can get really cranky in response.
6. Severe diets change your body chemistry. One bad side effect is really awful breath that not even Listerine makes better.
7. When you diet and you smoke, you can start to smoke even more to reduce the hunger cravings.
8. When you diet excessively, you can fall off the wagon excessively and that will lead you to binging.
9. Diets are obsessed with food. All foods. When you are on a diet, you become obsessed by food.
10. When you break your own diet – your self-esteem goes out the window and you begin a vicious cycle of guilt, despair and depression followed by binging.
When you think about dieting this way, it can make you wonder why you ever wanted to diet in the first place!