An all around good and balanced fitness routine contains several aspects for your optimal health outlook. These aspects will cover all areas of your physical strength and health and leave nothing out or “off” balance. By incorporating these in your weekly health fitness routine you will not only look better, but you will feel better.
Stretch your body: Everyone knows that a good fitness routine always begins with stretching. Stretching gives your body a chance to “limber” up and warm those muscles before getting down to the nitty-gritty of exercising. Stretching your muscles also will help to increase your joint movements, relieve your tension and achieve a better posture at a doable rate, a little bit at a time.
Balance: Balance takes practice. You may think that your balance is great, but then you get out there and try to stand and bend over on one leg and you are taken by surprise. You find that it is not so easy. This happened to me. I actually had good balance…without my shoes on. When I went to the gym and had my sneakers on that was a whole different story. I was not that steady. There are those who are in great shape, but their balance is not up to snuff. Balance needs training and as we age it tends to go downhill. This can lead to injury. Some simple steps to improve your balance can be done anywhere and anytime. Try putting one leg up behind you or just holding your leg slightly off the floor to help to improve your balance.
Stretching and balancing exercises are the first two ways that you can help your body to get into better shape and promote further fitness routines into your exercise program. Anyone can do these simple stretching and balancing exercises, which will then lead to further steps to improve your physical fitness routine.
Angel Lynn writes in weight loss, fitness, single parenting, media and health.