As I mentioned earlier in the week stretching and balancing exercises are two of the first aspects of fitness to incorporate in to your body shaping and physical fitness routine. Stretching warms your muscles, helps your joints to move more freely, helps to reduce stress and improves your posture. Balancing, which tends to dwindle as our age progresses, will help to keep you steadier, which will decrease our chances of falling and sustaining further injury. Core strength, aerobics and muscle strength training are also advisable for a well-rounded fitness routine.
Core strength: The core of your body is considered to be your pelvic, abdominal and lower back muscles. Essentially, this would be the middle of your body, your midsection. Core strength connects the upper part and the lower part of your body. Strengthening this area will help to prevent back injuries as you are teaching your muscle to “guard” your spine and abdominal areas, the trunk of your body. There are numerous exercises that are great for this area of your body.
Aerobics: Excellent for your heart, aerobics is a great aspect of good fitness. When you participate in aerobic exercise you move oxygen throughout your body, which includes your lungs, your blood vessels and your heart. This form of exercise increases the efficiency of the way that your internal organs function. Breathing is deeper and faster.
Muscle strength training: When you implement weights into your total fitness routine you are also increasing the strength of your bones. By strength training a couple of times a week you will build up your muscle mass, which will enable you to burn your calories at an increased rate. Therefore, if you are on a weight loss regime you will lose weight faster. If you can go to the gym you will benefit from the various types of equipment that they have for strength training. If this is something that does not fit into your budget do not worry. Hand weights are inexpensive and lifting cans of vegetables will work in a pinch too. Do not forget that no equipment is needed at all to become stronger and fit. Exercises, such as jogging, walking, sit-ups, push-ups, crunches and jumping jacks will all work to help your body become in better shape.
Angel Lynn writes in weight loss, fitness, single parenting, health and media.