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Touring the Town for Christmas Lights

Have you ever taken the kids for a drive to look at Christmas lights? It might not seem like that big of a deal, but it really can be a lot of fun, whether or not you have an ultimate destination in mind.

Taking a spin to view beautifully lit homes and buildings or to check out animated displays can really put the whole family in the Christmas spirit. Look around, take pictures, get inspired for your own decorating projects, or just relax and enjoy.

One fun way to go about the tour is to number each display as you see it. Then, at the end of the evening have everyone vote to see which number he or she thinks was the best. Whichever one wins should be on your list for the next year.

You can even call your local Chamber of Commerce to see if there are any special displays or lighting ceremonies planned. In our area, there is a lighting ceremony each year that includes an outdoor concert, which is given by choirs from local schools and churches, and also offers hot chocolate, snacks, and treats. It’s a really nice way to wrap up an evening of viewing Christmas lights.

holiday family fun Of course, you can always go home and make hot cocoa, pop some popcorn, bake cookies, or choose a different family treat. You can snuggle up with a great Christmas movie if you prefer indoor activities. It may be advisable to do so if the temperature is low, especially if you’re children are small.

However, there are often other local activities from Christmas parades to parties offered by local businesses to show customer appreciation, so keep your eyes open for notices for these events. I’m always surprised to find out just how many things are going on in my area that I didn’t know about, and I’m always pleased to learn about them.

I wish you and your family all the fun you can handle this holiday season!

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