I hate toxins. I mean, I guess everyone should, but I really hate to use anything in the house that I think might be toxic – any kind of cleaner, repair fluid, or pesticide.
But, sometimes you use toxins that you just don’t think about. Here are a few things you might be using around the house and alternatives:
Antibacterial Soap
That’s right – something you think may be keeping you safe may actually be harming you. That’s because some antibacterial soap contains triclosan. Triclosan may mess up your thyroid functions and hormone levels. In fact, researchers have discovered that it can cause sex changes in aquatic life – yikes!
So get rid of the antibacterial soap and return to good old fashioned bar soap. Studies show that that, along with warm water, may kill just as many germs and be safer for you. Also, check your hand sanitizer for triclosan as well!
Synthetic Fragrances
I love to get scented items – air fresheners, candles, laundry detergent – but it may contain a hidden toxin. The sweet smelling fragrance may actually be made up of harmful chemicals. And, if you think about it, air fresheners don’t clean the air, they just make things smell better.
So, ditch the good smelling stuff and go with something more natural. Avoid air freshener and – gasp – candles unless they are all natural. Baking soda and vinegar are great at soaking up odors naturally.
Non-stick Cookware and Pans
Do you know why they are non-stick? Because they are coated with something known as perfluoroalkyl acid. Studies have linked exposure to this acid with ADHD, high cholesterol, thyroid disease, and may contribute to infertility.
You grandmother probably didn’t cook with non-stick, so you shouldn’t either. Return to the classics – cast iron, glass, and stainless steel.
Yep, even good old vinyl has something in it called phthalates, which leads some people to call it “poison plastic.” This chemical can stunt your growth, disrupt your hormones, increase obesity, and who knows what else.
If you have vinyl flooring, consider replacing it with wood, cork, real linoleum, or the always green option – bamboo.