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Travel and Baby Bottles

Most new parents find within the first two to four weeks, they are on a plane or in the car heading to the in-laws to make a baby introduction. While a trip such as this requires some planning, it does not have to be difficult. One of the greatest concerns is how to travel with formula and baby bottles. What you want to avoid is making up a bunch of bottles for the entire trip. In fact, you should only prepare enough formula that can be fed within a one-hour timeframe.

Instead, you have a great option of purchasing ready to feed formula. The downside is that the formula is more expensive but the upside is the convenience for travel. Sold in small cartons, the formula can be used at room temperature or, you could also invest in a bottle warmer that plugs into the car’s cigarette lighter.

Another possibility for travel is to use a baby flask. These are sold at most baby stores and designed so you fill the flask part way with warm water. Then as needed, dry formula would be added. If you do not want to invest in a flask, a good thermos would also work. Again, fill the thermos with hot water but take bottles of cool water with you. When you mix the formula, you use just enough of the hot water with the cool water for the perfect temperature.

Now, if your trip to the in-laws is by plane, you have several good options. In fact, most airlines are used to baby travelers. Therefore, they have the willingness and capability to warm your baby’s formula for you. However, you can again choose readymade formula that is served as is. This option allows you to pour the formula directly into the bottle for easy feeding.

Finally, you could use plastic bottle liners, taking several on the plane with each filled for one bottle. Then, with a few bottles of water, the liner can be attached to the bottle and the water poured in. With a few shakes to mix formula with water, your baby will have dinner in about a minute. The benefit to feeding a bottle on a plane is that in addition to keeping your child calm, it also helps the ears to pop for a more enjoyable trip.

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About Renee Dietz

I have been a successful, published writer for the past 26 years, offering a writing style that is informative, creative, and reader-friendly. During that time, I have been blessed with clients from around the world! Over the years, more than 160 ebooks and well over 18,000 articles have been added to my credit. Writing is my passion, something I take to heart.