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Travels as a Single Parent

I’ve been gone since May 31st visiting my niece at Craig Hospital in Colorado, thus the lack of post, and my apologies for that. This is the first time I’ve actually “traveled” since I had my son. I’ve gone to visit friends a state away, and relatives a state or two away always driving there, but not actually traveling. Let me tell you, traveling, especially as a single parent, is not the same. It is not always easy, but it can be enjoyable.

I went on two vacations before I had my son. Once to Los Angeles, CA., and once to Las Vegas, NV. I can remember both of them like they were yesterday. A lot has changed since those vacations however, and while I knew it wouldn’t be the same, I was still way off base.

I learned a lot on my travels with my son, and hope to be able to share it all with you. Some of the things I learned about were his safety, his behavior, our schedules, the up side as well as the down side to traveling as a single parent, and much more.

Please keep in mind as you read my blogs that this was not a “vacation” in the ordinary sense of the word. We were not just going to have fun and relax as one would on a normal vacation. We were going to visit my niece who was severely injured, and is working extremely hard on a daily basis to try to get back to as close to normal as she possibly can given the circumstances. We were visiting her in a hospital, where kids can’t go running down the halls yelling and laughing really loud, where their largest area of grass was a 10 foot by 10 foot square out front, and where there was a lot of hard work, determination and healing taking place. I had to think outside the box when it came to things that I don’ always think about, things that I don’t usually have to think about, things that I’ve grown accustomed to.

I do hope to bring Jonathan on an actual vacation soon, and when I do that, I will write about that as well, as I am sure that will also be different from this experience.