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Trimming Your Tree For Less: A Tree For All Seasons

Trimming the tree is traditionally done right after Thanksgiving. Some wait for the first week of December, but if you’re like me, you’re ready to start putting it up right after the last of the Turkey has been consumed on Thanksgiving day.

We have traditionally had two trees we have used every year. An adult tree, and a child’s tree. Both were purchased at 75% off after Christmas, both are pre-lit trees and one is a full sized tree, with the children’s tree being a bit smaller.

A couple of years ago, a third tree was purchased. I did this because a friend introduced me to a fun concept I wanted to try. I didn’t do it in 2005, but will begin again with this Christmas I think. My third tree is not pre-lit and there is a reason for that.

A Tree For All Seasons

A close friend of mine does something most people find very strange, but it works for her family, it’s a tradition they all love and it actually looks great!

So, what do they do? They leave their Christmas tree up all year long. They actually have a finished basement with a huge living area down there where the tree is set up. Having a Christmas tree up year round seems weird to the rest of us, but it’s really not. Each season and holiday she decorates the tree to incorporate that holiday.

For instance, over the years she has collected and made all sorts of heart ornaments and on valentines day she decorates the tree with pinks, reds and whites and a whole plethora of heart ornaments. Some of her ornaments are heart shaped cookie cutters, construction paper hearts, and dough hearts. Some are ornaments that she found at Christmas time but that are hearts and serve just as good as an ornament on a Valentine tree.

She does the same thing for St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Halloween, Fourth of July and each child’s birthday amongst all the other holidays. She collects various items throughout the year, and turns them into ornaments. For instance, a couple of years ago a fast food restaurant was handing out red, white and blue inflatable balls. They were extremely small and the kids really didn’t want them. She attached a long piece of tape that she folded in the middle and punched a hole through to each ball. Tied a ribbon and she has cute decorations for the fourth of July. She has also been known to scrounge garage sales, discount chain sales tables and other stores for after season clearance items. She has purchased ribbon for every holiday and makes bows that she can attach to the tree for every holiday.

The ideas are honestly limitless and extend as far as you creativity goes.

Even if you don’t want a tree up year round, you can have some serious fun creating a themed tree for any interest you have! And it’s an extremely frugal way to get full use of an item you might have spent a lot of money on!

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