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Tristi’s Quest . . . It Begins

I have a confession to make. It’s one of those things that good little Mormons try to keep a secret, knowing that it’s wrong, and yet, not knowing how to get over the mindset.

I really have a hard time keeping the Sabbath day holy.

I know it’s important. I know and believe that it shows our Heavenly Father our love for Him. I’ve read the scriptures that outline the blessings we will receive when we accomplish it.

There’s just one problem . . . I get bored. Really, really bored.

It’s so hard not to check my e-mails and not to fire off one quick note related to something at work and hard not to play just one little game of Tetris . . . and hard not to pick up my new novel and find out who the bad guy is. It’s hard not to flick on the TV and throw in a fast-paced show. I sit here every Sunday night, waiting for the clock to strike midnight, so I can jot off a few e-mails, read some blogs, and get my “fix” before I go to bed.

There are so many other things I can do on Sunday. I can read my scriptures, write in my journal, send an e-mail to my mom the missionary, call my dad, scrapbook, watch uplifting shows, read old Conference addresses, spend time with my family, take a nice afternoon nap – really, the list goes on and on. But in my mind, I’m stuck on the list of can’ts.

So, this is where Tristi’s Quest comes in. I’m working on learning the deeper meaning behind the Sabbath. I want to truly understand the blessings that come from it so I can embrace it, enjoy it, and focus on the “cans” instead of the “can’ts.” So far I’ve completely kept the Sabbath for three weeks in a row, and while it’s been difficult, I’m learning to think differently. I’ll update you from time to time and share what I’m learning. Accountability is such a good thing, and if I know I have several thousand readers waiting to hear how I did . . .

Related Blogs:

Attending Church

Remember the Sabbath

The Sabbath – a Delight