My children are huge chocolate milk fans. They will ask for it weekly and if allowed would go through a half gallon or more a day between them. I would love to buy but most often chocolate milk is filled with artificial ingredients and high fructose corn syrup. I buy nothing with high fructose corn syrup. I could purchase organic but it is very expensive. I already purchase organic white milk so I just stop there. I have in a pinch allowed them to add chocolate syrup to organic white milk. However, that seemed like a sin to the organic milk. I could not fool myself any longer into thinking chocolate syrup was a good idea. My response was to buy chocolate organic milk when it was on sale or not buy it at all. Then one day I saw the commercial for TruMoo.
Tru Moo is chocolate milk that does not contain high fructose corn syrup or growth hormones. It is not organic. It also is not stamped with the official Non GMO Project seal. So, I ask you to proceed with caution but consider it an option. I am certainly not saying the company uses GMO but is telling you differently. I am simply saying to do your research before you purchase any product. TruMoo also has lower grams of sugar than other chocolate milk brands without the addition of artificial sweeteners. TruMoo is not a drink but actual milk with chocolate added.
If you have children who love chocolate milk and you want to provide the best you can on a budget TruMoo maybe a good choice. You can visit the website to get a coupon and find where there are stores in your area that carry the brand. I know in my area Wal-Mart carries it. I am just happy for an alternative that is less expensive than organic yet does not contain growth hormones or high fructose corn syrup.
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