Several months ago, I wrote about how I thought I drank more coffee since I do work at home. Since my work station is so close to the kitchen and it is so easy for me to just move in there and have fresh, well-made coffee, I know that I have become a much more avid coffee drinker since starting my home business than I ever was before. However, the time has come for me to kick that habit. Too much caffeine is affecting my health and it is time to get back to more moderate consumption. As I try to switch back to tea, I confess that working from home is making it harder—the coffee pot is right over there on the kitchen counter, and it is calling to me…
Even though I have been at this home business thing a while and I think I have mastered many of the distractions that can tempt away a beginner—I do admit that there are habits that I’ve developed that are hard to kick—making that hot, fresh pot of fresh-ground coffee first thing in the morning before heading to my desk is one of them. Yesterday morning, it took me a good couple extra hours just to get started at my desk and I’m quite certain it was because I was craving and missing the coffee. Isn’t it amazing how things become so habitual and one thing affects another? Even though I had the cup on my desk full of tasty tea—it wasn’t the same as the hot cup of fresh-brewed coffee!
I like to imagine that if I were heading off to the office 9-5, with the bad coffee made by someone else, it might be easier to give it up. After all, I didn’t even start drinking coffee until I was thirty and had returned to school to finish up my degree (with three small children and a full time job—I quickly became a coffee convert)—and I’ve never really considered myself a classic coffee addict. Instead, my coffee passion is directly connected to my work-from-home-joys and I now have to find a way to experience one without the sensuous pleasures of the other!
Also: Moderation in the Yogic Lifestyle–Where Does Caffeine Fit In?
The Coffee Shop–An Office Away From Home