Do you like housecleaning? I don’t think it’s at the top of most people’s favorite things to do list, but there are times when I really enjoy it.
Housecleaning is a totally mindless chore. If I just need to burn off some energy doing something I don’t have to think about, housework is perfect. After all, it takes very little brain power to scrub a toilet.
It’s also perfect for those times I have a lot on my mind and just need some thinking space.
I can scrub and shine while working through a problem in my head. The great thing about it is that usually, everyone will leave you alone so if you just need some time with your thoughts, you’re guaranteed to get it if you start cleaning.
Sometimes cleaning is very therapeutic and I would probably enjoy it if it wasn’t just one more thing on a never ending to do list. As it is, most of the time at the end of the day the last thing I want to do is clean, so I have to do something to make it seem better than it is.
I try to make it enjoyable. I have some music that I love that I only listen to when I’m cleaning. Usually I listen to country music but hard rock, turned up loud, is what I like when I’m cleaning. Maybe it’s because it’s different than what I usually listen to but it gets me moving and makes the job seem to go faster.
I also drink lots of lemon water. It’s a silly thing but it feels very exotic and tastes wonderfully refreshing, I almost feel like I’m spoiling myself. I save these little things for when I’m cleaning, they give me something to look forward to.
When I’m done a bubble bath with a book in a freshly cleaned tub is the best reward. It’s almost worth the time spent cleaning.
What do you do to make cleaning more enjoyable?