Has anyone read The Tightwad Gazette by Amy Dacyczyn? While I’ve learned a lot from reading her advice about frugality, one of the things she said that has really stuck in my head was that she rarely watched television, and when she did, she made sure that she was also doing something useful that contributed financially in some way to her household.
For example, while that television was turned on, she might be mending clothing to make it last another season or two or creating an inventory list in anticipation of her next yard sale.
The part that really struck me here was that there are so many opportunities during the day to save or make money. Most of the time, we “waste” these opportunities. I think about how many times I flop on the couch at the end of the day when I could be clipping coupons or cleaning out the garage for a yard sale.
While having some time to yourself to relax or be healthy (I run every day) is important, you’ll get more out of your day if you can turn some of the time wasters into money makers.
For example, if you love being on the Internet and searching for new things, you can sign up with a rewards program that gives you point when you use a certain search engine. You can then trade those points in for Amazon gift cards and more.
If you have a skill or a talent, could you use it during or instead of typical time wasters? For example, I am a writer and editor. I’m fortunate enough in this that I can usually bring my laptop and make good use of my time while I am in a doctor’s waiting room or at a child’s sports practice. Maybe your talent is knitting and you could use that time to create fabulous things to sell on Esty.