Is TV affecting the state of our marriages today? This was a question Mick posed when we were watching a TV show recently. His comment was ‘maybe people see so much of this sort of thing on TV with so many marriages breaking up so easily or being abusive and negative situations that they think that’s what marriage is.’
It’s a fair comment. For example can you think of any current TV show that presents a happily married couple that is in a loving and stable long term marriage? Off hand I can’t think of one.
Turn on practically any current TV show and you will see couples arguing constantly, separating, getting divorced, having affairs, involved in homosexual relationships, and even killing each other. In how many TV shows it is the husband or wife who is the first suspect in a murder case and in many cases the guilty part.
So is TV affecting the way we view marriage? What do you think? Or is it simply reflecting society back to us? I’d love to hear your thoughts on this.
It’s not just TV either, what about books and movies as well? There you will see a similar pattern reflected. Could that be one of the reasons why women are still attracted to romance novels? So much so that millions are sold every year and more than that borrowed from libraries, because they present life the way we wish it was? Any thoughts on this so far anyone?
The other thing that occurred to me is that those of us who are involved in long lasting, happy marriages need to present that alternative. We need to let others that it is possible even in today’s society, even given all the pressures and negative influences on marriage. Where else are people going to see it?
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