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TV Turn-Off Week

Mark your calendar for April 23rd. TV-Turn Off Week begins on this date and it’s a great time for families to start limiting the amount of time they watch TV. If you can unplug your sets and survive for a week, then maybe you can survive without TV most days. TV is not an evil monster, if we watch it in moderation. However, many kids spend too much time plunked in front of the TV. When I was a kid, we spent more time outside playing or inside reading and doing other things. Of course, we didn’t have cable or satellite; just the Big Three networks. Today, kids have a large menu to select from. And they are eating it up. Don’t panic, you don’t have to go cold turkey to prepare yourself and your kids for the big day on Monday. You can start slowly. This week you get ready by turning the TV off just one night or a few hours earlier than usual. You will be amazed at how much more you can get done in a day when you’re not glued to the TV. And your kids will discover fun things to do.

So for just one week, turn off the TV and find some fun alternatives. Here’s a few fun activities your kids can do instead of watching TV:

Play board and card games

Go outside and play

Do a puzzle

Read a book

Take a walk around the neighborhood

Ride their bikes

Listen to a book on tape/CD

Make up their own stories

Have a talent show

Play group games like charades


Have a puppet show

Have a magic show

Have a dinner party

Make crafts

As you can see, there are so many fun activities you can do instead of watching TV. You’re limited only by your imagination. Just remember that you can survive a week (or more) without TV.

See also:

Too Much Television

My Take On Television

Five Summer Activities