There is a new book out by author Cami Walker called, 29 Gifts: How a Month of Giving Can Change Your Life, published by Da Capo Lifelong. In this book, the author tells about how after she was diagnosed with MS, she went on an adventure of making sure to gift someone with something everyday for 29 days in a row.
These gifts could be anything, from flowers given to a stranger, to good thoughts and prayers for a loved one. The author says that this practice made such a positive difference in her life that once she was done with her 29 days, she started all over again.
I really appreciate this idea. it is only by giving to others that we really understand how much we truly are blessed with ourselves. Isn’t it amazing? Now alongside of this plan, what if we went on a quest of our own to gift our spouses with a gift every single day for those 29 days. Just as from the example by Ms. Walker, the gifts do not have to be material or even tangible.
Think of how wonderful you will feel and how appreciated your spouse will feel. What a wonderful way to strengthen your marriage. I’m planning on embarking on this idea starting today.
Here are some basic ideas to get you started.
How about saying something nice about your mother-in-law, even if you don’t feel like it? You could get up extra early and make lunch or breakfast for your spouse, if you don’t normally do this. How about taking the kids out to lunch on a weekend to give your spouse the gift of the house to him or herself for a few hours? Bring home flowers, hide chocolate or make a card or love note. Run a bath complete with candles and bubbles. Fill his or her car with gas. Take on a household task that he or she usually does, from cutting the lawn to making dinner. Take over calling someone or completing paperwork that your spouse has been dreading. Pick up or bake his or her favorite desert. Give a hug or a kiss out of no where when you are angry with your spouse.
What other ideas for gifts can you come up with?
You can read more blog posts by Mary Ann Romans here!
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