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Twins – Basic Information

Having twins is an exciting but also challenging event. Many times, women have no idea they are even pregnant with more than one baby until they start gaining too much weight or the doctor has suspicions. Although hearing you’re having twins might be a little scary at first, this opportunity is joyous and exciting! Today, the number of multiple births is actually on the rise. In fact, of all multiple births occurring, twins rank on the top of the list. While some parents will have twins naturally, other people use the aid of fertility drugs.

If you are suspicious of carrying twins or you have already learned that you will be having a multiple birth, you probably have tons of questions. The conception of twins can happen in several ways. For instance, it might be that multiple eggs were released or that you have more than one ovulation. At this time, both (perhaps more than two) eggs are fertilized. In addition, you might conceive twins when one egg is released but it then divided into two. As mentioned, fertility drugs are also helpful for a woman to conceive, which can result in a single or multiple birth.

After conception, many things begin to happen. As an example, you might end up with two babies, two placentas, and two sacs within the womb or, you might have two babies with just one placenta and two sacs. When you have your ultrasound or sonogram, the doctor will be able to tell you much more about what is happening within your body. With this type of testing, you would know if the babies are sharing one sac, making them identical, or if the babies have individual sacs, making them fraternal.

For the doctor, finding two individual heartbeats can be difficult, at least at first. Additionally, with twins and triplets, you might find that one baby is hiding behind another baby, which might initially appear as a single birth. However, as the babies begin to grow, the physical signs would soon become obvious. Another test that checks hCG hormone levels can be used as well. If these levels are abnormally high, it could indicate multiple births.

Keep in mind that whether having twins, triplets, or more, risk for miscarriage and other problems typically increases, as the number of babies increase. For this reason, it is imperative that you work with a great doctor, one who specializes in multiple births. This way, your health and the health of the babies can be monitored a little closer to head of potential risks.

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About Renee Dietz

I have been a successful, published writer for the past 26 years, offering a writing style that is informative, creative, and reader-friendly. During that time, I have been blessed with clients from around the world! Over the years, more than 160 ebooks and well over 18,000 articles have been added to my credit. Writing is my passion, something I take to heart.