The name Twist caught my eye since there is a little funky shop in my area by the same name. I soon realized Twist flavored water is as unique as my favorite little shop. My readers know that I keep my eyes peeled for organic and healthy alternatives to junk food and junk diet food. My hunt led me to Twist. Twist is manufactured by Talking Rain Beverage Company. I mention that only to point out how cool I think the name of the company is. Beyond a cool name of the company and the drink and beyond the cool logo, I expected that housed inside the unique bottle would be artificial flavors and artificial sugars. I cannot tell you how many times I pick up a fun bottle of flavored water hoping and praying when the contents are revealed it is void of fake sugar. I have been disappointed almost every time. It is rare I ever consume a fake sugar. Moreover, I do not allow my children to consume fake sugars. To my delight and surprise Twist contained nothing but water and natural flavoring! This drink is 100% natural!
Here is what Twist does not have:
Artificial flavors
Artificial sugars
Here is what Twist does have:
9 calories per serving
2 grams of sugar per serving (real sugar derived from the added natural juice)
I think I found a new favorite beverage. I was drinking Vitamin Water since the regular one does not have fake sugars and it has tons of vitamins. However, it also has over 100 calories and 30 grams of sugar in one bottle. I still love it but I cannot drink it all day without drinking too many extra calories. Twist is an alternative to drinking plain water. That’s it. Honest as the day is long. I am in love and I just had to share my new discovery with you! Yes, it comes in several flavors like Lemon, Mandarin White Tea, Mango Acai, Pomegranate Blueberry, West Indies Lime, and Wild Strawberry. I have not tried the Mango Acai or the Wild Strawberry. The West Indies Lime is my favorite and also the favorite of my kids.