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Two Dozen MORE Reasons to Lose Weight

Losing weight will be CONVENIENT:

• I will plan meals ahead of time, saving time at the store and at restaurants and fast-food establishments.

• Eating only what I have planned will save time previously spent thinking about food, looking for a snack, eating extra food.

• I will save time not sitting in doctor’s offices for weight-related illnesses.

• I’ll save time shopping for clothes that fit!

• I will save time by working thoroughly through the steps of this weight-loss program rather than have to do another weight-loss program later. The first stages of changing habits are the most time-consuming.

• I will be able to pack and carry food ahead of time.

• I will have more energy and use my time more productively.
It’s amazing how quickly exercising and eating right results in more energy.

• I won’t spend as much time at the chiropractor and physical therapist treating injuries!

• Time spent exercising will (odds are) return to me threefold in longer lifespan.

• It will be VERY convenient to stand and move around as I wish rather than risk being disabled!

Losing weight brings these OTHER BENEFITS:

• No pantylines!

• Easier to tie shoes!

• I won’t have to be afraid of that awful glass door at the kids’ school, the one that makes me look as fat as a funhouse mirror. It’s not a normal door at all, I’m sure of it!

• More swimsuit choices—no more choosing by the bra style or size. I can choose the one I want, or the ones that last longer because they resist chlorine.

• I’ll get lots of compliments!

• I’ll really surprise people who I won’t see until next year!

• I’ll feel proud of myself.

• I’ll make a better first impression professionally.

• Confidence and discipline developed in one area of my life often transfers to other areas as well.

• I’ll be able to play pickleball with my son

• I’ll be able to play in the parent-child volleyball game next year

• I’ll be able to go ballroom dancing with my husband!

• I want to hike and camp with my kids!

• I’ll make more friends by being able to stand on my feet and talk with other parents at school, sports, etc.

• Smaller size = cheaper bras!

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About Pam Connell

Pam Connell is a mother of three by both birth and adoption. She has worked in education, child care, social services, ministry and journalism. She resides near Seattle with her husband Charles and their three children. Pam is currently primarily a Stay-at-Home-Mom to Patrick, age 8, who was born to her; Meg, age 6, and Regina, age 3, who are biological half-sisters adopted from Korea. She also teaches preschoolers twice a week and does some writing. Her activities include volunteer work at school, church, Cub Scouts and a local Birth to Three Early Intervention Program. Her hobbies include reading, writing, travel, camping, walking in the woods, swimming and scrapbooking. Pam is a graduate of Seattle University and Gonzaga University. Her fields of study included journalism, religious education/pastoral ministry, political science and management. She served as a writer and editor of the college weekly newspaper and has been Program Coordinator of a Family Resource Center and Family Literacy Program, Volunteer Coordinator at a church, Religion Teacher, Preschool Teacher, Youth Ministry Coordinator, Camp Counselor and Nanny. Pam is an avid reader and continuing student in the areas of education, child development, adoption and public policy. She is eager to share her experiences as a mother by birth and by international adoption, as a mother of three kids of different learning styles and personalities, as a mother of kids of different races, and most of all as a mom of three wonderful kids!