If you are thinking about becoming a home-based professional, you may be concerned that you will have to come up with a lot of money to get your business up and running. While there are many great home-based business ideas out there that do require a substantial investment to get started, there are plenty of others that require much less.
A repair business could be a great thing for you, if you are naturally handy. Whether you have a knack for repairing and customizing bicycles, computers, or small electronics, other people that own those items could use your help when they break or malfunction. There are quite a few small repair services around where I live, such as a lawn mower and small engine repair shop, a gunsmith, and an appliance repairman. You may need some tools and supplies to get started, but you may already have much of what you need.
Do you wish that you could spend all day on the golf course? If you have good golf skills, plenty of patience, and good people skills, you may be able to help others learn the game and improve their technique. This particular opportunity may require some investment up front because you may want to get certified as a golf coach. Certification can help to ensure that you have all of the skills that you will need to succeed at your new business, and it also gives your coaching business credibility. Credibility is very important for any new business, because potential clients will be looking for reasons why they should choose to do business with you instead of the other professionals that have been doing business in your local area for a while.
Those are just a couple of suggestions, and while they are certainly not for everyone, for the right people they could be very fulfilling work. If you would like to see even more ideas for low-cost home-based businesses, check out the book “55 Surefire Homebased Businesses You Can Start for Under $5,000”, by Entrepreneur Press and Cheryl Kimball. This book is just one of many great resources available from Entrepreneur Press. While I am in no way affiliated with Entrepreneur Press and they have given me nothing of value in exchange for mentioning their company, they seem to have so many great books and other products for aspiring or active home-based professionals.