Over the weekend, I noticed that Moose wasn’t feeling well. My first indication? He threw up in the office.
That was just the beginning of what has turned into a very long few days of recurring barf and poop. I was sure at first that Moose’s upset tummy was the result of scarfing down those chicken bones in the parking lot. I cooked up some rice and chicken broth and hoped things in digestion-land would settle down.
By Monday morning, Moose seemed to be feeling better. I started mixing kibbles in with the rice and broth. But I was being too optimistic.
Tuesday, I came home from work to a disaster area. Barf and poop everywhere. I cleaned up nine piles, though I think they were from only three separate events. It was pretty gross. Moose was back on the rice and broth diet.
Yesterday, Moose seemed to be perking up again. But I was starting to wonder if the chicken bones weren’t to blame after all. Maybe the kibbles have a new recipe? I didn’t initially think of the food because it’s the same stuff they’ve been eating for years.
This morning, it was Lally’s turn to have “pudding butt”. Maybe this isn’t food related at all. Both dogs are on rice and broth (and I picked up some chicken breasts to bake and shred for them) for the next few days to see if that clears everything up. I checked in with the veterinarian’s office and they said the food change was a good first step. If things don’t clear up soon, we’ll go in for a check-up.
In the meantime, I’m trying to make sure they’re both drinking enough water. Diarrhea can be very dehydrating! My first aid book suggested mixing Gatorade or Pedialyte into their water to help replenish electrolytes… but I’m not sure they’d like the taste.