In “Two Weeks Notice,” Sandra Bullock stars as Lucy Kelson, an idealistic young lawyer who wants to make the world a better place. Her chief area of concern is the environment, and when she learns that a big developer plans to rip down her favorite spot on Coney Island and put up buildings, she’s furious. She marches down to give him a piece of her mind, only to discover that he’s not listening to anything she says.
His name is George Wade (Hugh Grant) and he’s a little flaky. He needs people to do things for him, and he keeps them all hopping night and day. He offers Lucy a position as his lawyer, promising that he’ll take care of the whole Coney Island thing, and she agrees. The pay is fabulous and she can’t pass up such an offer.
However, before long, she’s enmeshed. He’s calling her at all hours of the day and night to ask her stupid questions. He pulls her out of her best friend’s wedding to tell him what to wear. He’s relying on her heavily, and it’s driving her insane. Her parents, also brilliant legal minds, are concerned for her welfare, but she thinks she can handle it – until she realizes she can’t.
She finally turns in her two weeks’ notice (behold how I punctuated it correctly, whilst the filmmakers did not) frustrated beyond belief. It also appears that the Coney Island project is going to go through anyway, giving her another reason to hate him. But, she discovers, you can’t hate someone you’re in love with.
This movie is a lot of fun. I do caution about some language and innuendo, but nothing I found terribly offensive. I thought both Bullock and Grant portrayed their roles with a lot of personality, and the interaction came off very well.
This film was rated PG-13.
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