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Types of Adoption Agencies

Once a couple has decided to use a private adoption agency, the next step would be to choose an agency. However, choosing the right agency for a couple can be a difficult task. There are a number of different types of agencies to consider. Each with advantages and disadvantages. In addition, some agencies will be for profit while other will be non-profit. Also, you will find that an agency will usually focus on either Domestic adoption or International Adoption so this will play into your decision on which agency to choose. Always be sure that the agency that you are going to work with is licensed. I have listed below the different types of Adoption Agencies and a brief overview of each.

Religious Based Adoption Agencies – Most religions have adoption services. The most well known would be
Catholic Charities. But other examples would be
Lutheran Adoption Network, Jewish Children Adoption Network, and Bethany Christian Services. Adoption.com has an exhausted list of different religious based agencies. The advantage of working with a religious based organization is that it may not be as expensive as other agencies, but the wait times could be longer, although I have also heard that this is not always the case. It is also nice to be working with an organization that is familiar with your religious values and beliefs. Religious based agencies still may use waiting lists.

Mid Size Agencies – These agencies tend to focus on one state or Intrastate Adoption. They tend to be moderately staffed, therefore the family will have to take a more proactive role in the adoption. They also may not have the counseling that some of the larger agencies tend to give to families and birthmothers.

Small Agencies – They may be less expensive but the staff will be very limited and difficult to reach. Often times the families will have to locate the birthmothers. There will also be very limited counseling for all parties.

Larger Agencies – The larger agencies tend to be very well staffed and will use marketing and advertising to reach birthmothers. This will tend to make the wait times less because the ratio of birthparents to prospective adoptive families will be low. However, the cost will be higher to pay for the advertising. Counseling should be provided for all parties and often the agency will provide counseling 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for birthmothers. The birthmothers will choose the family. Families will also be screened and there may be criteria that families have to meet such as age, children already in the family, and willingness of families to have semi-open or open adoption.

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About Kathy Sheldon

My name is Kathy Sheldon and I live in Northern NJ with my husband, Jeff, my 15 month old son, Connor, two cats, a bird, and the newest addition our 10 week old Bernese Mountain puppy. I graduated from Buffalo State College and then went on to earn a Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology from Pace University. Prior to my son being born I worked for 7 years in a Domestic Violence Shelter in New York City with women and their children. I counseled women and their families individually and in groups. For the last five years at the shelter I was in administration and management. I resigned from my position as Director of Client Services after Connor was born because my commute into New York City was too long from where we live. When my son Connor was 4 months old I decided to start my Direct Sales Business with the Traveling Vineyard. I chose In Home Wine Tastings because I really enjoy wine and wanted to learn more about it. It was then that I started to write my first blog, "Traveling Wine Adventures." Since my son was adopted and my husband, and I had such a wonderful experience with our adoption and American Adoptions, I inquired with them about doing Adoption Home Studies and was hired contractually in September. I also have started to do Adoption Seminars locally for prospective adoptive parents. In August of 2005 I started my second blog "Working Moms Wanted". I started it because I found myself in place like many new Moms, needing to find work but not knowing if it would be better to work out of my home or get an outside job. My husband and I are socially active people and enjoy spending a lot of our time with families in the neighborhood and our own families. In addition we enjoy many hobbies. I enjoy running, reading, writing, cooking, and of course spending time with Connor.