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Typing Games

Below are two images. The first is a picture of a keyboard, with the letters showing. The rest of the keys have been removed to make concentrating on letter placement easier. The second image shows a blank keyboard. Print both pictures and help your kids memorize the placement of the letters on the keyboard. When they think they know them well enough, give them the second image and have them label the keys.

Another fun way to do this is to enlarge and print extra copies of the first image and cut out the keys. Your kids can then glue them to the blank keyboard or make a puzzle from them. They will be having fun while at the same time learning letter placement, which will aid them in learning to type.

Typing Games


When your kids have the letters down, you can begin working on numbers and other keys. Then, go to the keyboard and teach them where to place their hands. Make up funny sentences for kids to type and time them as they go. Make sure you use as many letters as possible, such as the following sentence does, “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.” Have your kids make up sentences too.

You can also find great typing games online or in various software versions. Funschool has a cool site with all kinds of interesting and educational activities for kids from preschool to fifth grade, including games, puzzles, and items to print. Check out their typing game. There are many more free typing games and programs online, or you can purchase typing software for an entertaining and educational gift.

It makes sense to get kids started early so they will be prepared for the future. Learning to type can be a lot of fun and it exercises the mind at the same time. This is a great way to keep kids fresh (and busy) over summer vacation!