You know you’re tired when your eyelids feel heavy even after drinking a cup of coffee. To compound matters, you work from home and you swear that your comfortable bed is calling to you from your bedroom. Sometimes, your work can be rearranged so that you spread today’s assignments out onto other days. Unfortunately, this is not always possible. You may be left with a few things that absolutely have to get done today. Here are a few tips on how you can get some work done while you are tired.
I have already revealed a good first step to take. If you are tired and you know it, take a look at your to – do list for this work session. If there are any items that can be moved to other days, move them. Pare down your list to as few things as possible. This will do nothing to change the fact that you are tired, but it will minimize the amount of work that you must slog through before going to bed.
So, the coffee didn’t make you feel energized. Try drinking a glass of water before you sit down to work. Fill that glass again and take it to your work area. You may be dehydrated, and that can make you even more tired and distractible. Sipping it as you work could perk you up a little. Even if it does not, you are giving your body something that it needs.
Have you ever noticed that it is so easy to get distracted when you are tired? Instead of frittering your time away doing things that are not on your shortened list of important, must – do things for this work session, avoid email, Facebook, calls, texts, and other things that could divert and then hold your attention. Remember, once you work your way through that list, you get to hit the sack.
Photo by Clarita on