Different babies have different needs for sleep. If you already have a child, and now are expecting another, chances are you will have a completely different experience the second time around, especially if you have a baby that needs more sleep. Some babies just need more sleep than others do. The reasons vary and understanding these reasons will help you get through some of the rougher periods.
For one thing, you need to look at your baby’s temperament. Certain babies are supersensitive to noise, light, and stimulation. Then you have babies that tend to be more alert and curious. Typically, these types of children struggle with sleep patterns in that they do not want to miss anything. Although some of this is simply the core of the child’s character, you want to keep daytime naps short and about an hour before bedtime, create a calm environment to help the child relax.
If your new baby has an immature stimulus barrier, he or she may find going to sleep hard, as well as staying sleep. For the child with a mature stimulus barrier, sleeping is not a problem. In fact, children falling within this category are often able to sleep through temperature change and even discomfort. On the other hand, children that are ultra sensitive would be affected by everything to include light, hunger, noise, temperature, and so on.
Sometimes, babies do not go from being awake to being asleep very easily whereas other babies can sleep in the car seat, swing, and carrier, just about anywhere. If you have a baby that stays awake, even when you know he/she is exhausted, the problem is poor transition. For this, you may need to work with your child, using music, white noise, rocking, or some other transitional tool to help him/her reach relaxation.
A baby normally alternates between light and deep sleep during the night. However, very young babies usually stay in the light stage the most, meaning they can be awakened easily. In most cases, the baby will begin to sleep more soundly as he or she matures. Keep in mind that if you have a baby with super sensitivity or awareness, it may take a little longer to reach sleep maturity, so do not be discouraged. Finally, some babies simply do not need as much sleep as others babies do. While it would be nice if all babies slept through the night or at least for six to eight hours, some require less sleep.