In previous posts, I and other homeschool bloggers here at have discussed our experiences with charlotte mason curriculum. In my last post, I supplied Charlotte Mason Vocabulary for the letters A – B, , C-E , F-H , I-M , N-P , and Q-T I will now discuss U-Z.
Unit Studies: Many people compare Charlotte Mason approach to unit studies but it is distinctly different. With unit studies you combine language arts and mathematics with your science or social studies subject. With Charlotte Mason, you combine all areas.
Unschooling: Charlotte Mason is often looked at as a method of unschooling as it is very different from Classical Homeschooling or school at home methods. It is infact very structured with very few similarities to unschooling.
Walking: Daily walks, even in inclement weather is an important part of Charlotte Mason approach. This is in addition to a weekly nature walks. The purpose of these walks are for exercise and fresh air.
YES!: The Charlotte Mason approach to homeschooling encourages parents to Say “yes” to children as often as possible! Children are to be encouraged to do different things and to take risks.
Zeal: Education should be a satisfying experiences and children should experience joy and be enthusiasm while learning.
A little Bit of Charlotte Mason
More Charlotte Mason: An atmosphere, a discipline, a life
Charlotte Mason: Reluctant Narrators
More on Charlotte Mason and Living Books
More on Charlotte Mason: The “Science of Relations”