While a title like “understanding himself” could end up being some sort of sentimental-type writing I’m at a loss for a better or more accurate title. My son is seven months old now and he’s obtained what can only be described (at the moment) as an understanding of himself and his environment. This seems to be a new chapter in his development as a human being. It is a very exciting realization and one that certainly reveals his personality more and more.
I’m not entirely sure that there was a “moment” when this “understanding” became a reality. Some time during spring break my son was able to have the space he needs to really test out his ability to move at the grandparents’ houses. They each made a great deal of room on their respective floors in order to allow their newly (almost) crawling (not quite on the knees) grandson to test out his new environment.
During this period with a good amount of space (something he sadly doesn’t have at home) my son became confident with his body in a way that he has never been previously. My mother noticed him going freely moving from lying on his stomach to a sitting position. While he had certainly done this before it was with a new confidence. He had it down. If he wanted to sit up: he could. If he wanted to squiggle over to some object and pick it up: he would.
All of this has led to a moment one morning when my small family was getting ready for the day. I set my son down on the sofa in order to pack a couple of things and he just looked up at me and I could tell that he understood what was happening. He wasn’t waiting for the next shiny or bright object to distract him for a moment because he understood what was happening.