When it comes to paying for your college education, you may be confused at what to do. There are several different options available to you. It is important to realize that you do not need to take out student loans to attend college. There are many options available that include scholarships and grants. You may need to choose a less expensive school in order to avoid student loans. However, if you do choose to take out student loans, it is important you understand the options.
There are three basic types of student loans. The first is a Stafford loan. The government subsidizes this loan. They will pay for the interest while you are in school. Next are unsubsidized Stafford loans, in which you are responsible for the interest payments while you are attending college. You can choose to pay the interest or to have it added into your loan. The Stafford loans are through the government and are regulated by the government. You can also take out private loans. The private loans do not have the same regulations.
If you choose to take out student loans, it is important to realize that you are responsible for the repayment of the loans. These can not be discharged during bankruptcy. You should limit the amount that you borrow to your most basic needs. You do not need to borrow so that you can spend a lot of money on clothes or for a new car. The student loan is going to follow you around until you pay it back. It is important to be careful about how much you borrow.
When you take out your student loans you need to consider your future ability to repay the loans. If you are going into a low paying career (usually this is a service oriented career such as education or social services) you will have a much more difficult time repaying the loans, so you should try to avoid borrowing as much money. Be sure that you understand what you are agreeing to, if you have questions contact your financial aid office and sit down with an advisor.
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