I have often written about the importance of preparedness, but Bishop Keith B McMullin’s talk “Lay Up in Store” mentioned the importance of simplifying your life as part of preparedness. Bishop McMullin says:
“As men of God, we turn from excess to that which edifies, for ‘that which doth not edify is not of God.’ If dealings or involvements or pursuits or schedules detract from putting God first, we must pare back and unencumber our lives.”
Since reading this talk on Monday, I have really been thinking about this statement. It has caused me to do quite a bit self-reflection. I have been wondering what things are distracting me from my relationship with God.
Often these things are things that seem good on the surface. You feel the importance of having your children involved in extracurricular activities. You are active in several service organizations or you spend extra time at work, so that you can get the promotion to better provide for your family. Other times things such as entertainment or even laziness gets in the way of building your relationship with God.
I often look at ways that I can organize my time better, so that I have more time to study the scriptures and pray. However, I have learned that if I make sure to do this at the beginning of my day I am able to fit more in. It seems that when I have put God first that everything falls into place a little bit easier. This is true in all aspects of my life. As I keep the commandments, I feel the blessings that come as my way is made a little bit easier.
It is not always easy to recognize the areas of our lives that we need to cut back on. It is important to recognize the spiritual signs as well as the physical ones of doing too much. Additionally if we cut back our families and children will benefit from the peace and extra time that you find in your home. It is important to constantly work on putting God first in our lives.
Related Articles:
General Conference: “Lay Up in Store”
Take Time to Be Still