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Update on Loss of Accredition of Clayton County GA Schools

In my article “Clayton County GA Parents Should Look into Homeschooling”, I wrote about the possibility of the loss of accreditation of the county’s public schools. Unfortunately, the nightmare has happened.

Clayton County GA schools officially do not have accreditation. This means loss of scholarship opportunities. This means loss of college opportunities. This means the diplomas of these public school students is not worth any more than a homeschool diploma!


Hmmmmm. Sounds like a good reason to homeschool. At this point, Homeschooling is leaps and bounds better than going to public school in this county. After all, homeschoolers can boast unique experiences, individualized education, and special projects that will balance out the fact that they do not have an accredited diploma (if they choose not to get an accredited diploma that is.) Why should these kids stay in a regimented program if they do not even have an accredited diploma to back up the work they have done?

If you are a Clayton County parent, especially if your child is in highschool, I strongly suggest you quickly move your child to an online homeschool program that will supply a diploma for your child that will be accepted by colleges and scholarship programs.

You also have the option of enrolling them into community college courses as non matriculated students and let them start racking up college credits that can also count as high school courses.

Parents, you have no choice right now but to take your kids’ education into your own hands. The school board has made a mess of your children’s’ education. It is time for you to fix it.

*Have a question about homeschooling? Just ask.

* Have you seen the homeschooling curriculum glossary?