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Update on Yard Work

I was all set to spend part of one morning this week writing an update about all the yard work I had planned to get done over the weekend. Well, even though the temperature wasn’t too bad, it did end up raining most of the weekend, so I didn’t get much accomplished. I now also have standing water and some very soft areas. The driveway seems to be holding up okay for now, but I hope we don’t get much more rain before I can get some work done!

I did get a small bit of cleaning done, but it wasn’t enough to make much of an impact. The weather, however, did make an impact. It was stormy and as some of you know, I don’t like storms. The worst of it ended in a beautiful rainbow (shown below), which my husband was able to capture quite nicely (this photo is the new wallpaper on my computer desktop).

One of the wonderful things about living in the country is that even when you can’t work on your yard, you don’t have to look very far to find beautiful scenery. And, hey, there’s always next weekend!

My husband and I decided to start getting plans for our garden down on paper, plotting where things will go and what we want to plant. The kids will make their additions and they’ll also join us out in the dirt for the planting. Rainbow over our yardFor now, I think we’ll take advantage of the nice, soft, ground and start getting it turned over.

This seems like a great time to start preparing the garden spot even if we won’t be able to plant for a while. I might even get a few starter plants and flowers growing inside, and I’ve been considering an herb garden, which I think I’ll start now as well. What could be better with fresh vegetables than fresh herbs?

So, what are your landscaping or gardening plans?