The UpWords game is a fun twist on Scrabble. Just like in Scrabble, players form crossed words horizontally and vertically on the board. The twist with UpWords is that the letter tiles stack, so you can build up on those words. For example, H – A – T could be changed to C – A – T, by placing a “C” tile over the “H” tile. The next player could play a “R” over the “T” so the word would become C – A – R, which could be changed to F – A – R, or the player could add an “A” at the top to make the word “A – F – A – R”.
The game is for ages 8 to adult, and for 2 to 4 players. I like to play a different version of the game with emergent readers though. I like them to play with the letter sounds and see how many times they can change the starting sound to make a word.
Just like Scrabble, you start with seven tiles. If you use all seven tiles in a turn you get extra points. Scoring for Upwords is much easier than in Scrabble. Each tile in your word counts for one point, plus each tile under your word counts for a point. If you form more than one word in your turn you get points for each word. It’s much easier for children to add up these tile than tiles of different values.
Even though the game is similar to Scrabble, it’s a whole different challenge and involves a different strategy to win. In fact, Scrabble lovers don’t like this game at first. After a game or two, most come to love and appreciate the differences. For those who dislike Scrabble, give this game a try. It’s more about using already formed words than trying to connect new words. Some people find it much easier than Scrabble, but still challenging enough to be fun.
The game retails for under twenty dollars and is a great addition for the family game closet.
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