The US fire officials site the number of lager wildfires and the fact that wildfires are occurring in several states in various geographic areas as a major reason to be concerned. When there is this much fire to fight resources are stretched and international wildfire crews may be called in to assist the U.S. firefighters fight the wildfire blazes in 12 states mainly in the western United States. By changing the wildfire alert to the highest level it also gives the fire managers permission to ask for assistance from international crews, and mobilize National Guard units.
As more people choose to build their homes in woodland and forest areas, rural areas, or remote mountain sites wildfire becomes a very true danger. Homeowners may enjoy the beauty of living in the Urban-Wildland Interface, but the greatest risks are actually in these kinds of communities. The recent fire in South Lake Tahoe is an example of the rapid personal property loss that can be seen in communities building on the edge of wilderness.
Most wildfires start unnoticed as a tiny spark ignited by a strike of lightning during a summer thunder storm or a wayward campfire spark caught in the hot breeze and placed on a stack of dry tender. The tiny spark spreads quickly, catching any brush, trees, and homes built in it‘s path on fire. Homeowners living in the urban wildland interface have a greater responsibility to reduce the Risk and plan for wildfire long before it has a chance to strike.
Drought conditions and summer heat make the potential for wildland fire extreme this year. With some advance planning and education about how to protect your home and personal property you can reduce the complete devastation a wildland fire might have otherwise caused. There are many safety precautions, landscaping options and disaster planning tips that can be used to reduce the risk of a wildfire loss. Protecting a home from wildfire is the home owner’s responsibility making an effort to reduce the risk to your home by making your home fire resistant, and implementing Fire-Wise Landscaping methods.
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Related Blogs:
- Is Your Home In The Wildland-Urban Interface?
- Landscaping To Reduce Wild Fire Risks For Homeowners.
- Evacuation Plans
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