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Use Kitchen Cabinet Doors to get more Organized

You have probably seen various organizers that hang inside kitchen cabinet doors for storing plastic wrap, sandwich bags, and aluminum foil. You may even have some of these handy items, but this is a little different.

This tip will not only help you protect your favorite recipe cards, but it will also keep your best recipes easily accessible, and help you make a quick shopping list.

  • First, you can either copy your recipes onto new 3” x 5” cards, or simply type (or copy and paste) them into a document on your computer and print off the pages.
  • Pick up some clear, plastic report folders and slip your recipes inside. A little Scotch tape will keep them from sliding out of the folders.
  • Attach the folders to the inside of kitchen cabinet doors, near the stove or even the fridge. Tape them in place with double-faced foam tape, or any heavy household tape, or use thumbtacks, pushpins, or add a little clip like those found on clipboards to hold the recipe sheets.
  • When you’re making a grocery list, scan the recipes and the contents of the cabinets to see which items you need to add to your list in order to make your family’s favorites.
  • Also, try tacking up a pad of paper or pick up a long, narrow one meant for making lists. Some even have “grocery list” printed on them (add a “to do” list too, if desired).
  • Secure a writing instrument such as a pen, pencil, or marker, next to the list (hanging one with a piece of string works great).
  • Then, as you reach for something to find it almost empty, you can add it to your list for next time.

You won’t have recipe cards cluttering your counter, becoming soiled or getting lost. You won’t have lists cluttering the face of your fridge, so you’ll have more room for reminders, photos, or children’s artwork (or you’ll just have a nice, clean surface).

With these few simple tips, you can close the door on clutter!

Finding More Space