If you buy disposable diapers, one of the best ways to save money is by buying them in bulk. As a result, you may wind up with quite a few of those large bulk diaper boxes. I have found that they are very useful around the house. Here are some ways that we have put those large diaper boxes to good use.
In our new home, we have a garage that is actually big enough to park a car. Currently, it still has quite a few boxes that we haven’t unpacked, mostly all of my books. But regardless, we have an actual garage and an actual backyard and driveway for the kids to play in. They are having a great time playing with all of their outdoor toys, such as balls bubbles, chalk, etc. I put all of the outdoor toys in an empty diaper box and keep it in the garage, where it is very handy. The box keeps everything nicely corralled, and I didn’t have to spend money on a fancy toy crate.
Also in the garage is a diaper box filled with empty plastic grocery bags, ready to be pressed into use as diaper bags (appropriate, no?), trash bags, etc. (To see an article about all of the uses for grocery bags, you can click here. Or to see another great way to store those bags, click here.)
Our screened in porch area has temporarily taken on the task of storing anything that is going out of the house. This includes not only the old rugs that came with the house, but also stuff from our de-cluttering sessions. The diaper boxes make great storage for items that will be donated or freecycled. They are sturdy and can hold quite a few toys, videos, books, etc, yet they are small enough that they won’t get too heavy.
On the porch, we also use the diaper boxes to hold our recyclables. This saves us from purchasing recycling buckets at $5 each. If the boxes start to wear out, the old ones can get broken down and recycled!
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