On Friday, less than an hour before a concert at a nursing home where our choir was singing, I received a phone call telling me another woman from our choir died, suddenly. She’d been in hospital a while. But last we heard she’d been getting better. I didn’t know the woman well as I’ve only been a member of the choir a short time, but others had known her for years and been quite good friends. So to say the news hit everyone in the choir like a mallet to the head would be an understatement.
As part of our concert, which always includes a number of older tunes that the elderly enjoy, we sang Amazing Grace and Bless This House as a tribute to our missing choir member. These were two of her favorites. The words as we sang them really hit home. One day I hope to be singing with our missing choir member again and many others in a heavenly choir. What a joyful music that will be!
A couple of members had parents who had died recently as well so the concert was hard for a number of people for various reasons. But as always when people give of themselves to help others, God blesses. After the concert several people wanted their photo taken with us. It gave us a little bit of an inkling of how celebrities feel!
One lady after the photo grabbed my arm and told me how much the songs had meant to her. What a beautiful selection of songs. It was lovely to relive all those memories,’ she said. ‘We so appreciate you all coming to sing for us and I want you to thank all the choir. It was wonderful. ’ By the time she had finished I was just about in tears.
What a blessing to be able to share music with others. Aren’t you glad God created music in the warbling of magpies and birds that fly around outside our doors? And also in giving people the ability to create music with instruments including the voice, which after all is the instrument God created and gave us. And God gave people talent and imagination to write music. The world would be a sadder place without music.
The incident also made me think. Life is unpredictable. Accidents and disasters happen. None of us knows if we will even have a tomorrow, so we need to make sure we are right with God now.
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