If you business has you involved in several social media sites then perhaps you need one source to manage all of your accounts. Hootsuite is one such source available to you. You can choose between the pro version and the free version. The free version offers most of what you need for basic social media needs.
My Favorite Hootsuite Features:
Multiple Accounts: You can connect Hootsuite to Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn accounts. You can connect directly to your LinkedIn groups specifically and Facebook groups and pages.
Scheduling: You can schedule all your tweets, updates, and statuses to all your accounts in advance. This feature is especially useful to those who need to stay connected to social media sites. You can get on Hootsuite in the morning and schedule all your updates for the day in one sitting. If you have a promotion coming up, you can schedule all your tweets and updates in advance. Just remember to respond to your clients and fans within a reasonable time or you risk appearing unauthentic and robotic. It is okay to plan ahead but do not forget your audience.
Another way to use the scheduling is for Facebook or Twitter parties. When I planned my Facebook party, I had several discussion questions I wanted to ask. As we all know Facebook parties can move fast and being a good hostess requires you to attend to your guests. If you plan your discussion questions and schedule them ahead of time you will have more time to attend to the responses of your guests.
Draft and Edit: You can draft responses and go back to them later to edit them. So, any mini social media releases or information your customers need to know can be planned ahead. It is nice to have the ability to edit the information as well.