What is a portfolio? Just like a collection of a person’s finest work is brought to an interview, the same can be done within the classroom environment.
Teachers began using a portfolio for their students to assess their writing. One of the most common ways is to have the student put all of their assignments in a special folder. Then two weeks before the quarter or semester ends, have the student go through all of their writings and decide which ones they feel best portray their strength.
Once the writing assignments are chosen, the student then has two weeks to run through each essay and do revisions and edits to make it the best it can be. The full process and the outcome of the grade are all put onto the student’s shoulders. The teacher is available for help when choosing the best assignments but the student is ultimately the final decision maker.
Once the day comes for the portfolio to be handed in, now the student knows it was their choice of what they wanted their writing grade to be based on. It allows students to take responsibility and show their best work to receive the highest grade.
Many teachers will set up a portfolio center in one of the corners of the classroom. Some use a hanging folder bin with each students name on a tab or the student has a special folder they bring in to use. The students know where to check for their graded material and learn the only way the teacher will accept an assignment is when it is properly placed in their portfolio.
Using a portfolio system keeps the classroom organized and the students getting accustomed to following a routine.