At the moment, there are three things that I am hoping to buy soon. The first two are books and the third is a top-of-the-line bread machine. Before I make any of these purchases, though, I want to make sure that I get the lowest prices possible. One way I am doing this is by taking advantage of the wish list feature on
How can the wish list feature help me save money on my wants? Well, it is simple. After doing my research, I found that had the lowest prices on the three items I would like to buy. I still want lower prices, though, so I added them to my wish list.
The nice thing about the Amazon wish list is that it will show you when prices go up or down, which they can do quite frequently, especially on books. Already one of the books I’ve placed on my wish list has dropped from $9 to $4.99. All I have to do is to check in on my wish list frequently, to see if the prices on my items get to a point where I am comfortable making a purchase. I’ve done this in the past and have saved up to 60 percent on other items!
Of course, prices can go up as well, although that usually isn’t the case. Most of the time, the prices on Amazon change for the better, depending on the season, the demand and whether new models are coming out. If you check back often and time it right, you can get significant savings.
One danger you might face by putting something on your wish list and waiting is that the item can become discontinued, and the inventory will run out. If this happens to you, you will be unable to purchase your wish list item. Amazon is pretty good about letting you know when there is a limited quantity of something, so you can always make the decision to add the item to your cart and to check out.
The other way that the Amazon wish list allows me to save money is by being a parking place for items to wait while I build up the minimal $25 purchase for free shipping. With the items not in the cart, I can’t accidentally purchase them before I have enough for the deal.