A great feature of Families.com is the Coupon Database. This resource is for you to find what coupons exist, make your list of what you have and what you want, and share your finds with others.
Searching the coupon database is easy. First, specify if you want coupons that are not expired, expired, or you don’t care. Go to the search box and enter the word you want to search on. You can make this a partial word or a full word. Next, from the drop down menu, list the category. Are you looking for coupons just from newspaper inserts, or are you in a blinkie deprived area and want to find out what blinkies are out there? You can also specify the cents off amount.
The database will return up to 250 results at a time.
You can add coupons to the database, pending approval. This is great if you have discovered a great coupon from inside a package, or on a tearpad that isn’t available in all places. To add a single coupon to the database, click the add button. In the description field, enter the description of the coupon. Please be specific. For example: “Campbells Chunky Soup” rather than “Soup”. In the next field, enter the amount. (.35, .50, 1.00) In the next field, enter the number of items required for purchase. It is very important to include the expiration date and the source. A coupon for fifty cents off 2 cans of Campbells Chunky Soup that you found inside the label would be entered like this
The comment field in the database gives you additional information. Insert coupons are usually labeled according to the date and type of the insert in the comment field. In the example below, ss 1/27/2008 means that the coupon was published in the Sunday Smart Source newspaper insert on 1/27/2008
When you want to add a printable coupon to the database, please make sure you enter all the details, and put the link where it can be printed in the comment field. Take a look at this example:
The database will not magically produce coupons for you. It is for you to find where the coupons are. Any printables that are added without the link will not be approved for upload. Members need to click the link you provide in order to print the coupon.
Finally, the database does not include online codes as yet. Please don’t add codes or special promos for your own website or store. These are considered to be spam.