Remember the day you separated from your ex husband? For many of us that was the day that divided our neat, orderly life from the chaos that reigns today.
Let’s face it, it’s hard to be all things to all people, especially when those people aren’t even old enough to cross the street alone. What am I saying? It’s not hard, it’s impossible.
All we can do is keep trying to find new ways to get some semblance of control and order in our lives, or make peace with the chaos.
For me the only thing that works is lists, lots and lots of lists. I make lists of my lists. Otherwise I forget everything or almost everything.
Every night before I go to bed I check my list for the next day. Let’s just say that Google and my android phone keep me mostly functional.
I’ve found that my Google calendar and tasks import into my phone so no matter where I am I can manage my day. If I’m at the grocery store I can pull up a list of things I need to buy. Same with the hardware store or the library.
I can edit and manage my calendar and tasks from any computer as well as my phone. My phone will also remind me when I need to do something so no more forgotten vet appointments.
Time management is much easier with the technology we have available to us. I’m able to pay my bills and even rent movies online.
My lists actually seem more manageable now that they are not random pieces of paper and sticky notes all over the house. I can delete what’s done instead of crossing it out, it’s a wonderful feeling to see your to do list get smaller and smaller.
Google lets you make as many lists as you need so you don’t have to have everything on a master list that gets scribbled on until you have to make a new one.
I’m working on replacing my day planner. It’s slow going because I’m addicted to that thing. I never even owned a day planner until I got divorced and now, I never leave home without it.
I am finding many things I like about managing my day with my phone and computer, the best being, if I lose my phone all the information is in my Google account so even if I lose my phone and my computer dies, I can still manage my life.