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Visiting a Different Ward

When you are on vacation, you have a choice to make. You can take the time to attend church or you can skip it. It is really easy to find a ward in your area and attend the meeting. It sets a good example to your children, and it allows you to still remember the Savior even when you are on vacation. Visiting a different ward can be a bit scary, but it is not too hard.

First you simply need to find the time and place that the ward meets. You can do this before you leave by going to the church’s website and finding the meeting information for the city you will be in. You can also look up the information in the phonebook and call someone once you arrive. At home it is easier because you can look online for directions to the meetinghouse as well.

Once you arrive at church, it is simply a matter of attending. It is comforting to know that you will be covering the same material in your classes, no matter where you attend. Prepare for your lessons the same way that you would at home. You can have your children attend Primary as well. If you are visiting family, you may want to pair them up with cousins or have siblings close in age pair up if your children are shy.

Finally just relax and enjoy the meeting. Remember the real reason that you attend church each week is to take the Sacrament and renew your covenants with the Savior. You can do this even if you are attending in a different country, and you will not be able to understand much of the services. The spirit will still be there, and you will be blessed for attending.

You may be approached by several people in the ward, and asked to introduce yourself frequently. This just means that the ward members are doing their part to fellowship everyone that is interested in attending church. Be polite, and explain that you are visiting from out of town. There are some wards that receive an influx of visitors during tourist seasons, and they may be used to this happening.

Related Articles:

Getting to Know People in Your New Ward

Primary Time: Visiting Another Ward

Adventures in Sacrament Meeting