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Visiting Teaching Message: Marriage between a Man and a Woman is Ordained of God

Our Visiting Teaching Message for the month of April is entitled, “Marriage between a Man and a Woman is Ordained of God.” We first read the scripture in the Doctrine and Covenants 49:16-17 which reminds us that husbands and wives should be one flesh, that the earth might answer the end of its creation.

We then hear from Sister Julie B. Beck, who says that we believe in forming eternal families. In the preexistence, we fought on our Savior’s side to protect our right to have and to belong to eternal families. That was part of our Heavenly Father’s plan and we wanted to participate in it.

Elder David A. Bednar tells us of two reasons why eternal marriage is so important. First, the nature of a man and the nature of a woman complement each other, and so we are intended to work on our exaltation together. Second, we need each other in order to bring children into the world. It’s our responsibility to prepare our young men and women to be married in the temple, and we can do this best by setting examples of worthiness, loyalty and sacrifice in our own marriages.

Elder Russell M. Nelson shares ways we can strengthen our own marriages. We should appreciate each other by looking for the good in one another and complimenting each other. We should communicate regularly and share thoughts and ideas. We should also contemplate the blessings of the Gospel and attend the temple regularly.

Elder Richard G. Scott promises that to those whom marriage has not yet happened, it will all take place in the Lord’s due time, and they will not miss any of the blessings that come from having a happy marriage.

The most choice blessings in our lives will come as we seek to raise our children in righteousness in companionship with our spouse, all striving toward the goal of an eternal family.

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