As I work on this series on typical course of study for homeschoolers, an important word of the day comes to mind. That word is “integrated”.
Generally, the word integrated refers to racial issues such as in the integration of pubic school. “integrated” also means “formed or united into a whole”. (
When I refer to the word integrated in the context of homeschooling, what I am referring to is the fact that sometimes it is hard to separate education from normal everyday living. For example, as I detail all of the lessons that a fourth grader is expected to learn in science, for example, I can’t help but think that some of these items will be learned naturally in the course of living. Weather is experienced, which causes natural discussion. The human body, is hard to ignore and also is often the topic of many an innocent conversation between parent and child. Lessons on living creatures are also easily learned by living with creatures, and visiting certain animal attractions.
In addition to the fact that many lessons that are normally taught in school are automatically integrated into homeschool life, but family life as a whole is also better integrated. The entire public education process is actually quite segregating. Children are segregated from parents, and siblings are segregated from siblings. The family unit is basically torn apart, and then kids are expected to excel in a new and strange environment in order to learn.
Because homeschoolers for the most part do not experience this type of family segregation, you may notice that family life and familial relationships are also quite integrated and strong.
(This essay is an exercise in vocabulary. I encourage you to pick a new word each day and have your children to write an essay. Choose the number of required words according to grade level, age, or ability. ) For more words of the day see: syncretism, autodidact, extreme and mediocrity and more.
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* Have you seen the homeschooling curriculum glossary?